Well, I've just watched a close friend of mine have a very low moment and she's been having quite a few these past few months where her children are concerned and one thing she said to me is that I don't know how blessed (well she used the word lucky but I prefer blessed) I am. Well that's where she's wrong cuz I do know. I try to take stock and remind myself of that everyday cuz you know what I realized, as bad as u think things are in your life rest assured they are worse in some else's and that kind of puts things into perspective. So no everything isn't all great neither is it how I'd like it to be right now but things are good, no scrap that they're Great and I am blessed! I just wish she'd see that she is too. We're not blessed in the same areas but she's quite blessed herself and I think maybe God orchestrated it that way so that we can help each other out wherever each lack. I could have the totally pessimistic look on life and be totally unhappy because everything isn't peachy but you know what, I realized a while back that it takes more energy to be angry, discruntled and unhappy and besides it's simply much more fun to approach life with a smile. Now don't get me wrong sometimes my smile sapps a bit and sometimes it gets turned up side down and sometimes it turns to tears but I try not to let that last for too long. I mean sometimes you've just got to cry, scream or have a small hissy fit but then you get over it and move on with a smile because you realize you've got the rest of your life in front of you. Life is a choice and I choose to live it with a smile. I realize that everyone can't be me but I wish they'd try to look at life a little differently every once in a while and maybe just maybe they might find a few things to be thankful for.
7 years ago
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